Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why does cooking suck so bad?

Why is it honestly such an ordeal every night?

We live in the most blessed nation in the world. Our version of being "out of food" is rarely that the cupboards are bare. Usually what we mean is that we're out of our "favorite foods" and will have to make something from scratch, rather than putting a pop-tart in the toaster.
I really want to change that.
Some things you should know about my family:
I have a gluten intolerance, and we have just discovered that my sweet little boy has a dairy allergy like his daddy. Now, while Daddy doesn't mind the congestion and side-effects from eating ice cream, Mommy is not content making a two-month old have those same nasty side-effects.
So Mommy has to do things a little differently. No gluten or dairy, for starters.
Also, we live just above the poverty line for a family of three. Not "poor enough" to qualify for assistance, but not "rich enough" to always be able to do whatever we want at the grocery store - or the gas station.
I wouldn't change it for the WORLD.
First off, both of us grew up with very little, and learned early on that life isn't about you. I had my first Little Debbie snack around age 29. We just didn't buy that garbage. Not always out of financial reasons; mostly because my grandmother refused to pay money for something we could make ourselves. We also hardly ever had soda; with the exception of root beer (that was my Saturday treat after I helped my grandpa with the garden, the chickens, etc.) it was never in the house.
So, we both learned to be creative. And we learned to cook. And slowly, life taught me how to cook. Then I learned that cooking is kind of awesome. Now it's something that I actually enjoy; because I've learned how to enjoy it and not make it so much of a chore.
Most of my recipes on here are going to be very inexpensive. Most of them take a regular recipe and with a few quick substitutions are gluten free and dairy free.
The pictures aren't going to be professional pictures. They will come from my kitchen that will probably look like a disaster in the background. I'm okay with that.
I'm also a HUGE proponent of organic, hormone-free, non-GMO, love-a-bunny-hug-a-tree kind of cooking. I would rather have less of really great ingredients then buy a bunch of garbage. Right now, I'm feeding a human. My body. Crazy when you think about it, but MY BODY is making food for another human being. So everything that I'm eating - he's eating. Every pesticide, hormone, chemical, and nutrient. All of the good and bad. That's enough for me to watch what I eat. And while not every person is in my situation, it's my desire that people care enough about themselves that they want every organ in their body to do its best, to feel their best, and to have energy after they eat something.
So, welcome to my food blog. In the near future, I will probably have a Facebook page up, and most of the advertisements (at a later date) will be at my discretion; meaning the gluten-free ads will be ones that I put up there, stuff I actually use.

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